About Me
Best-Selling, Award winning Mystery/Suspense author Billie A Williams is a fiction, non-fiction and poetry author and has won numerous awards for her short/flash fiction stories, essays, and poetry with over two dozen works published. She is published in various magazines such as the literary magazine Thema; Guide, a Magazine for Children, Novel Advice.com, Writing Etc. WritingNow.com, and Women In The Arts newsletter as well as Sister’s in Crime, to list but a few.
Her articles, columns and features have appeared regularly in newspapers. Short stories, Flash fiction, poetry and book reviews have appeared. Mystery Time, True Love Magazine and various anthologies and on line e-zines and web sites have show cased her work. She writes a bi-monthly column titled “Whodunit?” for Mystery Fiction’s Voices in the Dark. She also hosts her own writer’s group, Word Mage Writers and Readers on line as well as The Amberg Writers Group that meets at her home monthly. She is an active blogger; http://printedwords.blogspot.com/ and http://www.isthereawomanicantalkto.com/blog and http://onewomansgarden.blogspot.com And Editor publisher of her newsletter Mystery Readers and Working Writers published once a month with guest columnists, regular columnists and a new series of "New Voices and New Young Voices" show casing upcoming and new to print authors.
Williams is currently a member of The Wisconsin Regional Writers Association (WRWA) Upper Peninsula Writers Association (UPWA)National Association of Women Writers (NAWW) Sister’s in Crime, Women in the Arts Program, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. (SCBWI) and Children’s Book Insider, and the Children Writers Coaching Club as well as the Working Writers Coaches Club. Pen Writers Organization, Savvy Authors Network.
Visit her at her website http://www.billiewilliams.com/ and sign up for her Newsletter "Mystery Readers and Working Writers " or the Billie A Williams Mystery Book Of The Month Club, or her 10-week writing online course at the website. She is a graduate of the AWAI Freelance Writers Copywriting course and many other writing courses for fiction and non-fiction. She is the author of six books on the art and craft of writing and over thirty fiction novels.
She lives with her husband, Tom, and Lady Slipper, and a new addition to the feline family, Daisy a calico kitten, in Amberg. This small, Northern Wisconsin community where the winters are cold and long, but the people are warm and friendly is her writing inspiration.